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Author, have you not completed the hidden rooms in the second and third maps or are you taking the postgraduate entrance examination for technical skills





How could i this game manipulate characters go through a pipeline(the sapce where there is only one square of space)


lol having trouble with the first boss 

anyone got tips


Hello, I'm Nan Zhang, the editor of Kemono Games ( ). 

Kemono Games is a website dedicated to collecting furry games.

We would like to include your game Cosmobreeder Yiffai on our site.

We hope you can give us a convenient way to get in touch, like Telegram, Discord

Because we need to get some materials from you, such as covers, game screenshots, game descriptions, etc

We tried to contact you via email, but the email you left doesn't seem to work

This is my E-mail, please contact me

We look forward to hearing from you


(1 edit)

It's pretty annoying that when damaged, the player character is blinking like he's invulnerable, old-school style, BUT HE IS NOT. At least not for long enough to make a difference. The dragon boss has triple-damaged me several times by slamming into me mid-jump, then landing on me, and spitting fire.

Other than that - the game is fire, scratched the itch for nes games I forgot I even had. Will have to launch a nes simulator after the demo and play some classics.

(1 edit)

Help Pls, I can't open the game and the .txt tells me this:

Release: 2023-6-23-151222c7b

OS: Windows 11

JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM

Java Version: 17.0.6

GL: ?

PRG.abT: Couldn't create window

at PRG.YH.a(PRG:527)

at PRG.YH.a(PRG:462)

at PRG.YH.a(PRG:448)

at PRG.YH.<init>(PRG:162)

at PRG.bV.a(PRG:147)

at co.kemosho.cosmo.Main.main(PRG)


Are there more than one debrief scenes after you get defeated? I have on;y encountered the one even though I have been beten by more than one tyoe of enemy.

What am I supposed to do after I beat the blue dog? There's a switch I can't hit with a rock

How did you beat it? I can't do enough damage to it with charge attacks, and basic attacks can't hit it.


MacOS version please... I volunteer as tribute for testing <3


Was wondering if your going to add a female protagonist just a thought.


there literally IS.


Sorry it seemed to be only male characters.


Just a thought but plenty of games already sexualize women and girls so you should be able to find one :p


I think the default difficulty is fine, very true to form for a NES era platformer, but it could be fun to introduce cheat codes as a way to mitigate difficulty for folks who want to, while also making a direct callback to the kinds of games this one seems to be so heavily inspired by.


Android version🥺


What's the theme of the game? Gay, futa etc?


You choose the main character gender, then said character gets fucked

For anyone wondering about the Axe power up. you can only obtain it in the full version of the game, not the demo.


For those looking for updates at the top of the page on subscribestar there's still support and updates being added!

I know what's the asthetics are aiming for, and I love me a throwback like that

but's it's giving me a bit of a headache, and creeping me out a little as well, and I trun around any any noise I hear, and that worsens my headache,, could there be a option to turn that off?


whenever I try pressing select, to answer the first call when you get the radio it doesn't do anything, what do I do?


you go over the radio and you click f, its gonna give you a sub menu and in there you select communicate and click a. you can get out of the sub menu by clicking s or just leaving completely from pause by clicking enter

how the hell do you get the axe??

i personally really liked it, i enjoy the fact that its not only yiff and has actual game-play and story unlike many other porn games. in my opinions the bosses are really made well, it took me a bit of time to beat them but not too much. i am really excited for more updates :3




I'm hoping this game gets some more work on it soon... Really looking forward to where it goes from here. ^_^

Whenever I turn off the computer and go back to play the game it resets even if I saved. Was this supposed to happen?


I'm the programmer on this game. It's not supposed to lose save data between sessions. It stores your saves in the cosmo.sav file, which should be in the same folder as the game exe. 

The first thing that comes to mind is that the game might not be able to create the cosmo.sav file if it's on your desktop or something. You could try moving your installation to a different folder. If you have the game folder open, you should see the cosmo.sav file appear shortly after you enter the name for your first save.

So..."Breeding"...does that mean there's impregnation?~


How does the rabbit unlock the animation?🤔

Where is the archive button?


I got to the end.  Is everything you see capable of being picked up in the demo?  or do you need abilities you don't have yet?


The dog boss is really difficult.  I wish there was some way to know if I was even close or if I should just give up  :P

I really like the metroid feeling of the game otherwise, though.  And love controlling a character who doesn't mind being naked from the waist down.

I think the radio communications are too frequent though.  They really slow things down when what they have to say is obvious.

I like this enough I'd consider buying it when it is released, depending on the price.  :-)


Aw, is this an obligate-bottom game? No topping?



Great art, but controls designed by a toddler and no apparent option to change inputs. First boss also is terrible, and the lock-in time for the attack animation is basically a self-stun with no roll or dodge options to cancel it. 

Someone will definitely just tell me to "git gud" though.


Uhm I couldn't find this in manual, so here it is.

"A" is select, jump.

"S" is attack.

"Enter" is Start (Game Menu).

"F" in menu brings 4 options Communication,Equipment,Navigation and Data view.

The room which has a platform in the middle (after going through a "S" named door) press the up arrow key to save.

Arrow keys to move.

Idk if there are other keys, haven't finished the first boss

Deleted 2 years ago

why i cann't run game


It's too difficult for me to have a cheat code.


Me gusto poder jugar esto debido a que tienen un estilo 2d muy bueno con una historia bastante creativa, espero la versión completa con ansias, las escenas +18 no fui capaz de entenderlas por el idioma registrado en el juego debido a mi falta de habla inglesa, espero se pueda en el futuro cambiar el idioma para una mejor experiencia de este juego a nivel mundial, no sólo para el habla española, sino para muchos más idiomas


two things
one, i can't figure out how to both switch menus, as well as use the radio

I can't use that site for support

I really liked this game. It gave off a cute retro feel with a sorta megaman vibe for the visuals (Sorta. I dunno how to describe it.)

The bosses hit hard but their patterns are super duper simple.

I actually went back and played through it two more times as male and female, grabbing all the bags and getting the top speed result both times.

It's a cute game and when adult moment happen it's enjoyable and I would really enjoy a full version.

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